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Marcus Gift Card Fundraiser

$25 Marcus Gift Cards & $9.50 Platinum Discount Movie Tickets

This is a fundraiser for Religious School scholarships.
Religious School gets 15% of your purchase.

There are two ways to participate:

1) Gift Cards may be purchased for $25. They have no expiration date and are eligible for use at Marcus theaters, hotels, restaurants, golf courses, water parks & spas across the U.S. 

2) Platinum Discount Movie Tickets can be purchased for $9.50. These tickets get you into any movie anytime. The 3D surcharge would still apply, just like any other ticket, and it does negate “Alt Events,” which are non-feature films, such as the Metropolitan Opera, UFC fighting events, etc. 

Pick up your purchase at the reception desk during office hours and in the Lifelong Learning Office during Romemu on Sundays- 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

For more information, call the office at 414-228-7545.

Use the form below to order your Marcus Gift Cards today!

Members, please log in to ensure correct processing of your purchase..


Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784