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Online Learning

B’Shevteha B’vayteha - As You Sit in Your House

As we sit in our homes, this site offers
online resources for learning and living Judaism for people of all ages


Our online learning sites are arranged by category. Click on a category to jump directly to it. Note, all links will open in a new browser window/tab. Here are the categories for this week: 

Weekly Torah Portion:

Click here to visit Reform Judaism's website's hub for all things related to the parashat hashavuah (the weekly Torah portion).

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Israel Resources:

Click here for Milwaukee Jewish Federation's website's with information about the current situation in Israel, how people can get support, and how we can help. 

Click here for an article entitled, "Walking the Tightrope: Talking About Current Situation in Israel with Children" by Sivan Zakai. Dr. Zakai is author of My Second-Favorite Country: How American Jewish Children Think about Israel, and is the Sara S. Lee Associate Professor of Jewish Education at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. 

Click here for an excellent video from Jewish Education Project in NY entitled Talking to Teens about Operation Iron Swords. 

Click here for resources to support your mental health during Israel's crisis. 

Click here for a resource to support your family's mental health during Israel's crisis, with different advice based on the ages of the children.

Click here to make your own Coping Kit, created by Sari Kopitnikoff @thatjewishmoment. 

Click here if you wish to make a tzedakah donation and you want a list of tzedakah organizations to support at this time. 

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Click here to visit Reform Judaism's website's hub for all things related to Shabbat. 

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Tefillah (Prayer) and Hebrew:

Debbie Friedman's Alef Bet Song sung by Cantor David Barash

Shabbat Candle Blessings found in Mishkan Tefillah, page 120

Short Kiddush, found in Mishkan Tefillah, page 123, 604

HaMotzi Blessing

Barchu composed by Siegel found in Mishkan Tefillah p. 58, 146, and 226

Shema composed by Sulzer, found in Mishkan Tefillah p 64, 152, 232

Blessing before the Torah Reading, found in Mishkan Tefillah p. 368

Blessing after the Torah Reading, found in Mishkan Tefillah p. 368

Oseh Shalom, composed by Friedman, found in Mishkan Tefillah p. 100, 180, 260, and 360

Ashrei, composed by Smilow, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 52 and 215

Mi Chamoha, composed by Silverman, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 16, 72, 158, and 240

Hashkiveinu, composed by Taubman, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 18, 160

Adonai S'fatai Tiftah, composed by Taubman, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 74, 164, 242, and 344.

Blessing before putting on the Tallit, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 26

Avot V'Imahot, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 76, 166, 244, and 346

G'vurot, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 78, 168, 246, and 348

K'dushah (evening), found in Mishkan Tefillah p. 80, 170

V'ahavta, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 12, 66, 154, and 234

Blessing before the haftarah, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 372

Blessing after the haftarah, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 372

Mah Tovu, composed by Maseng, found in Mishkan Tefillah p. 30 and 192

Romemu, composed by Taubman, found in Mishkan Tefillah, p. 367


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Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785